Making Wolf's Gravestone Cardboard DIY | Genshin Impact | How To | TarT


Similar to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, I was also fascinated by open-world games like Genshin Impact. I have experienced it sometimes. I feel it's a good game. The swords of Genshin Impact also attracted me to create cardboard ideas. The products I will be making Genshin Impact include Skyward Blade, Wolf's Gravestone, Aquila Favonia, and Rust Bow. After completing Skyward Blade I got a recommendation to work for Wolf's Gravestone. Actually, I am also very impressed with this weapon. It is really powerful and charismatic. I'm really attracted to it. Today I will show you how to make Wolf's Gravestone using cardboard.


Cardboard (3mm) White Glue Scissors Sticky Tape Wooden Sticks (5mm*5mm)

Template (A3 Letter): DOWNLOAD


This cardboard will be the fixed part for the other pieces of cardboard to stacking up.

This template will be different from other drawings. In the picture, you must connect these 2 parts together to complete part cardboard. This part of the cardboard is fixed with a wooden stick.

This section, after stack up with a done part that will create the main pattern and the part that is most recognizable to the WG.

Finally, connect this blade to complete Wolf's Gravestone. Hope you will have your own Wolf's Gravestone.

My tutorial video: 

About Wolf's Gravestone

A longsword used by the Wolf Knight. Originally just a heavy sheet of iron given to the knight by a blacksmith from the city, it became endowed with legendary power owing to his friendship with the wolves. The Knight of Boreas' journey ended at the city of Barbatos. Wandering souls attract each other, boundless freedom begets only anxiety. Upon entering the city, the Knight of Boreas' companion bade him farewell in silence. For the free-spirited Wolf resented the stone walls and lamplight and yearned for the open wilds. The Knight of Boreas' heart remained free, though his flesh was inside the prison-like city. Meanwhile, the windborne Wolf roamed the forest in the flesh, while his heart remained loyal to the Knight. The Knight of Boreas rode again to hunt. The Wolf followed his scent into battle. Still one were they, the Wolf and the Knight.

About Cardboard

Cardboard is a specialized product used for packaging products during transportation. The structure of the product consists of different layers of paper, which are firmly linked to form a solid 3D box.
In addition to being able to experience making cardboard for kid's goods, it is also possible to recycle it into decorative and other useful items. You can experience cardboard paper to make handmade toys or weapons of famous games of the world. I am one of the youtube content creators about hardcover. Cardboard knew as the cardboard box is made up of dissimilar layers of paper, which are firmly linked to form a solid 3D box. In your house, there are many types of cardboard finished in uneven size and material. To have a relatively quality cardboard box, you need to choose the right cardboard. First of all, you need to filter the types of cardboard you have.
Cardboard will have 2 layers, 3 layers, with different wave heights. So to make cardboard boxes easily the best way is to find large cardboard, or use cardboard that is available at home but of the same type. Currently, on the market, every day tons of waste generated, including cheap cardboard. The cardboard can be completely reused, but due to knowledge, most people consider the old cardboard as a waste. Old cardboards can be reused in many ways.
The simplest thing is that you can reuse them into household essentials. In addition, most of the old Cardboards are brought back to the factory for reuse. From old Cardboards, thanks to processing machines, we have brand new Cardboards. The cycle of Cardboard will be forever like that, so the Cardboard product is very environmentally friendly.
Cardboard recycling has many benefits as follows:
Recycling Cardboard helps to protect the forest, by reducing the need for logging.
Recycling Cardboard protects natural resources and reduces the pollution that the environment suffers from the processed fiber material.
Cardboard recycling reduces the amount of waste required to landfill, which reduces the pressure on landfills and landfills/incinerators, as it draws raw materials from the used paper in the waste stream. day.
Because of the above reasons, Cardboard packaging products are increasingly being used. Hopefully, the article gives you a lot of insight as well as the uses of Cardboard recycling.

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  1. Hi! Used your model to do a sword for by kid's birthday) Had to adjust it a bit to add a LED strip, but without your model I didn't even know where to start, so THANK YOU so much

  2. Your template DOES NOT DOWNLOAD. It's a shame you link to that bogus site with all the ads and popups, and make people go through that captcha about 15 times thinking one of these times it will connect and DL but it never does.
