How to make your own guitar with a cardboard box

    Most parents when choosing toys for their children do not think. This is a trend-oriented, a way to nurture your children's dreams. So many kids have hundreds of items but don't really like any of them. On the contrary, there are children who only have a few toys but always cherish their dreams and creativity. How to make a guitar out of cardboard boxes is also an item to help children get close to musical instruments and music. If your baby likes the way you make it, he can spend hours exploring and playing with it. Maybe a dream from a guitar will help your child be motivated to learn and explore more. This is also one of the ways to stimulate creativity in children.

    There are many ways to make guitars from cardboard boxes. Depending on the materials for making your own guitar, you can see how to do it appropriately.


    You can easily search for materials and tools to make guitars out of cardboard.

    Cardboard sheets Cardboard box.

    Highlighter pen, paper cutter, scissors.


    Rubber bands, rubber bands.


    Hot stick glue.

Instructions on how to make a guitar out of cardboard

Step 1: Draw a sketch of a guitar on cardboard, and the length of about 50cm is perfect.

Step 2: Cut the shape drawn in step 1 into 5 pieces.

Step 3: Stick 2 large guitars together.

Step 4: Cut the pencil into 2 pieces, 1 long, 1 short.

Step 5: Draw a line under the round hole and divide it into 5 equal segments.
Step 6: Make a straight line through the first cover by knife. Then press down lightly along the incision line.

Step 7: You stick a long pencil on it.

Step 8: Punch 4 holes below the line.
Step 9: Do the same in the upper part of the herd. The pencil section above should be grooved to fix the strings.
Step 10: Thread the string through the 4 holes and then tie it to a paper pin behind.

Step 11: Pull the string down to the bottom and pierce the hole and tie it to the pin. Remember to cut off the excess wire.

Step 12: Glue the pin to fix it.

Step 13: Glue the 3rd guitar plate to the back.

Step 14: Glue the remaining 2 body pieces to the back and press down for the ingredients to stick more firmly.

Step 15: Fix a bit to work better if the cuts are not even.

So you have completed how to make a simple cardboard guitar at home. Let's start making your own guitar to make a gift for your beloved children!

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